OBJECTIVE: To establish a procedure for action to be taken where critical parameters exceed acceptable limits within the purified water system.
SCOPE: This Standard Operating Procedure applies to the generation and distribution of purified water systems.

RESPONSIBILITY: Officer, Executive – Engineering Department.
Head – Engineering Department for overall compliance to this SOP.
Head of Engineering
Soft Water Hardness: If soft water hardness exceeds 5.0 PPM:
- Stop the Reverse Osmosis system and close the Reverse Osmosis inlet valve.
- Next, Drain the water from the soft water storage tank.
- Verify the functioning of the softener unit for regeneration.
- Manually regenerate the softener unit and recheck hardness.
- If hardness is within limits, collect water in the soft water tank and restart the RO system.
pH Adjustment:
- If pH before RO is below 7.5:
- Increase Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) solution dosing.
- If pH before RO is above 8.0:
- Decrease Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) solution dosing.
Pressure Drop across MCF-1 micron:
- If the pressure drops across MCF exceeds 0.8 kg/cm²:
- Replace the MCF.
Related SOP: SOP on a collection of Swab and Rinse Water samples
ORP Value: If ORP value exceeds 350 mV:
- Check free chlorine at the softener outlet.
- If >2 ppm, reduce chlorine dosing to 2 ppm and follow steps 4-7.
- If 2 ppm, adjust SMBS dosing for chlorine removal.
- Stop the soft water pump.
- Drain water from a soft water tank.
- Collect fresh soft water in the tank.
- Start soft water pump & SMBS dosing.
RO Conductivity:
- If RO conductivity exceeds 30 µS/cm:
- Check RO feed water hardness.
- Check RO feed water pressure (5.0-9.0 kg/cm²).
- Inspect RO membrane port ‘0’ rings.
Related SOP: SOP for Operation & Calibration of Water bath
RO Feed Pressure (5.0-9.0 kg/cm²):
- If RO feed pressure is beyond limits:
- Check for rupture; replace RO membranes if found.
- Check for fouling; perform chemical cleaning if fouling is detected.
EDI Conductivity:
- If EDI conductivity exceeds 1.0 µS/cm:
- Check EDI feed water conductivity.
Distribution Conductivity:
- If distribution conductivity exceeds 1.0 µS/cm:
- Drain storage tank and user points.
- Collect fresh water in the storage tank.
- Recheck storage tank water conductivity.
- If still high, perform hot water sanitization.
UV Tube Intensity (2.4 MW/cm²):
- If UV tube intensity is less than 2.4 MW/cm²:
- Replace UV tubes.
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
RO: Reverse Osmosis
Related SOP: SOP on Microbiological Monitoring of Compressed Air

Naresh Bhakar is the Founder and Author at Pharmaguddu.com, bringing his extensive expertise in the field of pharmaceuticals to readers worldwide. He has experience in Pharma manufacturing and has worked with top Pharmaceuticals. He has rich knowledge and provides valuable insights and data through his articles and content on Pharmaguddu.com. For further inquiries or collaborations, please don’t hesitate to reach out via email at [email protected].