SOP for Operation and cleaning of Tunnel sterilizer

1.0 Purpose: To lay down the procedure for the operation and cleaning of tunnel sterilizer.2.0 Aim: This Standard Operating Procedure is applicable for the operation and cleaning of depyrogenation tunnel installed in production.3.0 Responsibility:3.1 The line coordinators who are trained shall carry out the operation and cleaning process as per SOP.3.2 Officers/ sr. officers shall … Read more

SOP for Cleaning and Storage of Filling accessories

1.0 Purpose: To lay down the procedure for cleaning and storage of filling accessories.2.0 Aim: This Standard Operating Procedure is applicable to the cleaning and storage of filling accessories at the production department.3.0 Responsibility:3.1 Operator shall carry out the operation process.3.2 Officers shall be responsible to supervise the process.3.3 Head Production/ Designee shall be responsible … Read more

SOP for Operation and cleaning of lyophilizer

1.0 Purpose: To lay down the procedure for the operation and cleaning of lyophilizer.2.0 Aim: This Standard Operating Procedure is applicable to the cleaning and operation of the Lyophilizer, located on the production floor.3.0 Responsibility:3.1 Officer Production3.2 Head Production 4.0 Safety considerations:4.1 Persons who are familiar with the basic safety and accident prevention regulations and … Read more

SOP for Manual Visual inspection of filled vials

1.0 Purpose: To lay down the procedure for manual visual inspection of filled vials.2.0 Aim: This Standard Operating Procedure is applicable for packing vaccines at the packing section. 3.0 Responsibility:3.1 Trained operators for visual inspection activities of vials.3.2 Officer is responsible for checking the activity.3.3 IPQA shall be responsible for compliance as per this SOP.3.4 … Read more

SOP for Transfer of Semi packed material to warehouse

1.0 Purpose: To describe the procedure for the transfer of semi packed material to warehouse.2.0 Aim: This Standard Operating Procedure is applicable to the transfer of semi packed material from production to the warehouse.3.0 Responsibility:3.1 Officer Production3.2 Head production4.0 Safety considerations:4.1 Always keep the PFS tubs/vials in an upright position.4.2 Transfer the material immediately after … Read more

SOP for Glass | Vial | Syringes Crushing Machine

1.0 Purpose: To lay down the procedure for operation and cleaning of glass, vial/ Syringes crushing machine, and handling of crushed material.2.0 Aim: This Standard Operating Procedure is applicable for the operation and cleaning of glass crushing machines and handling of crushed material. 3.0 Responsibility: 3.1 Officer, and Executive – Production Department for implementation of … Read more

SOP on Operation and cleaning of the Bung Processor

1.0 Purpose: To lay down the Procedure for the operation and cleaning of the bung processor.2.0 Aim: This Standard Operating Procedure is applicable to the operation and cleaning of bung processor equipment at the Production. 3.0 Responsibility:3.1 Trained line coordinators shall be responsible to carry out the operation as per SOP.3.2 Officer / Sr. Officer … Read more

SOP Operating of Vials Labeling Machine

SOP Operating of Vials Labeling Machine

Learn About Step by Steps Standard Operating Procedures for Vials Labeling Machines along with their Objective, Scope, Precaution, and Procedure. 1.0 OBJECTIVE: To lay down the procedure for operating of vials labeling machine.2.0 SCOPE: This SOP is applicable in the Department of Production for the Injection Section. 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES:Head – Production for overall compliance with this SOPOfficer- Production for implementation tp … Read more

Sop on Cleaning and Monitoring Aseptic area

Sop on Cleaning and Monitoring Aseptic area

In this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), we will discuss the proper procedures for cleaning and monitoring an aseptic area including; their Objective, Scope, Responsibility, Cleaning, and monitoring by Setting Plate Tests. 1.0 Objective: This SOP gives guidelines for cleaning and monitoring of aseptic area in the injection section of the production department 2.0 Scope: This SOP on Cleaning … Read more

SOP for Dry Heat Sterilization in injection section

SOP for Dry Heat Sterilization in injection section

Read about the Standard Operating procedure on DHS along with precautions, and DHS setting for Aspectic and Non-Aseptic areas. 1.0 Objective: To lay down a procedure for operation Dry Heat Sterilization (DHS) in the injection section.  2.0 Scope: This SOP on Dry Heat Sterilization is applicable to the Injection Section of the production department at the plant. 3.0 Responsibilities:Officer- Production for implementation … Read more

SOP for Cleaning and Operation of vials washing machine

SOP file Cleaning and Operation of vials washing machine

Learn about the Standard operating procedure on the vials washing machine in pharmaceuticals along with their Objective, Scope, Responsibility, procedure, precautions, cleaning, and acceptance criteria. 1.0 Objective: To lay down a procedure for Cleaning and operation of vials washing machine to make vials free from particulate matter.2.0 Scope: This SOP applies to the Injection Section of the production department. … Read more

SOP on Sterilized Powder filling machine

SOP on Sterilized Powder filling machine

Learn about the Standard procedure for the Sterilized Powder filling machine in the injection section along with their Objective, Scope, Responsibility, Procedure, and cleaning process. 1.0 Objective: To lay down the procedure for efficient Cleaning & Operation of the Sterilized Powder filling machine.     2.0 Scope: This SOP for Cleaning & Operation of a Sterilized Powder filling … Read more