SOP on Cleaning / Sanitization Microbiology Department

Learn About the Standard Operating Procedure for Cleaning and Sanitization of the Microbiological Department along with their, Objective, Scope, Responsibilities, and How to clean and sanitize the Micro Department.

A SOP file along with written text "SOP on Cleaning / Sanitization Microbiology Department"

1.0 Objective: SOP On Cleaning Procedure Microbiology department, the department must be clean and sanitized according to the prescribed procedure.

2.0 Scope: This standard operating procedure applies to the Cleaning / Sanitization Microbiology Department.

3.0 Responsibility:
3.1 Microbiologist to implement this SOP.
3.2 Head departments to overall compliance to this sop.

4.0 Use of cleaning agents in a microbiology lab
4.1 Teepol 0.1% is used as a cleaning agent for cleaning the floor in the microbiology lab.

5.0 Use of Disinfectant Agents in the microbiology section
5.1 Dettol or Savlon 2.5% as a disinfectent agents.

6.0 Use of Sanitizing Agent in the Microbiology Department
6.1 IPA 70%

7.0 Procedure for cleaning and Sanitization of microbiology lab:

7.1 Use the Vacuum cleaner, Nylon Brush, and Lint-free wet & dry cloth for cleaning.

7.2 Wear gloves when using chemicals for cleaning to avoid body contact.

7.3 Remove the “To be clean” label.

7.4 Prepare the disinfectant, 0.1% teepol, and sanitizing agents using D.M. Water.

7.5 Daily, mop the area shift-wise with the above solution.

7.6 Record the cleaner’s name and the cleaning time.

7.7 Change or Rotate the disinfectant solution weekly.

7.8 Record the disinfectant solution name in the correct format.

7.9 Sanitize equipment with 70% IPA sanitizer and document the activity in the prescribed format.

7.10 After cleaning, change the status of the area and affix the “Cleaned” label as per the “Status labeling” SOP.

8.0 Distribution
8.1 Master Copy : (Quality Assurance)
8.2 Controlled Copies: Quality Assurance, Microbiology-QC

9.0 Abbreviations:
SOP: Standard operating procedure
DM: Demineralized water
IPA: Isopropyl alcohol
%: Percentage

RelatedPreparation of 70% IPA solution

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