Different Pharmacy Acts and Years

If you are from a Pharmacy professional background, you must know the different pharmacy acts and years, as these acts are important for competitive exams and academic exams.

Different Pharmacy Acts and Years

List of Pharmacy Acts and Years

  • Drugs Act, 1940
  • The drugs and cosmetic acts, 1940 and 1945
  • The Pharmacy Act, 1948
  • The Factory Acts, 1948
  • The Drugs and Magic Remedies, 1954
  • Prevention of Food Adulteration Acts, 1954
  • Drugs Price Control Order, 1995
  • Revised drug price order for essential and life-saving drugs, 2013
  • Medical and Toilet Preparation Act, 1955, and their rules under, 1976
  • Medical termination of pregnancy, 1971
  • New Drug Policy, 1994
  • Opium Act, 1978
  • Dangerous Drugs Act, 1930
  • Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985
  • The Poison Act, 1919
  • The Industrial Employment Act, of 1946
  • Industrial Dispute Act, 1947
  • The Industries Act, 1951
  • The Indian Patent and Design Act, of 1970
  • The Trade and Merchandise Mark Act, 1958
  • The Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897

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