Learn About Standard Operating Procedure in Cleaning of Quality control department including Their, Aim, Purpose, Responsibilities, Procedure to clean the Floor, Wall, Door, Window, Glass, Ceiling, Air Grill, Waste Bin, Working Bench, Light Fixture, and Drain Point.
1.0 Aim: To lay down the standard operating procedures for cleaning the Quality Control Department in Pharmaceutical.

2.0 Responsibility:
2.1 Housekeeping Personnel:
2.1.1 To clean the QC department.
2.2. Housekeeping supervisor:
2.2.1 To prepare a disinfectant solution for cleaning purposes and maintain its preparation record.
2.2.2 To train the housekeeping personnel for the cleaning process in QC departments.
2.3 Laboratory Technician to Jr.Officer:
2.3.1 To supervise the cleaning activities performed by housekeeping personnel.
2.4 Officer to Asst. manager QC:
2.4.1 To check and ensure effective cleaning of the respective areas.
2.5 Head QC/Designee:
2.5.1 To ensure the effectiveness and adequacy of the procedure implementation throughout the department.
3.0 Procedure for cleaning in Quality control:
3.1 Use Dettol and Savlon as a disinfectant on alternative days for cleaning floors.
3.2 Use a 2.5%v/v disinfectant solution for cleaning on a rotation basis.
3.3 The housekeeping supervisor shall prepare a disinfectant solution and maintain a record for preparation.
3.4 Use Dettol/Savlon as a disinfectant for sanitization purposes.
3.5 Clean the reagent bottles and racks carefully.
3.6 Switch off all electrical points.
3.7 Do not use a wet cloth for cleaning light fixtures and electrical switches.
3.8 Use PPE like hand gloves, goggles, and nose masks As per requirement.
Related: SOP on Cleaning and sanitization in pharmaceutical
3.1 Floor cleaning:
3.1.1 For cleaning the floor, use a dry mop or nylon groom.
3.1.2 before wet mopping, display the safety caution board on the respective area.
3.1.3 Mop the area with a disinfectant solution.
3.1.4 Discard the remaining disinfectant solution in the sink and clean the sink with running tap water.
3.2 Cleaning of Doors, windows, and glass panels:
3.2.1 Clean the window glass, doors, and frame with a clean, dry cloth.
3.2.2 Spray the colin on the windows, frames, and door and wipe it off with a dry cloth.
3.3 Cleaning of Ceiling, air grills, and walls:
3.3.1 Arrange the necessary equipment like a long stick, ladder duster, and dry mop.
3.3.2 Clean the wall surface and ceiling using a dry cloth and dry mop.
3.3.3 Clean the outer surface of air grills by using a wet cloth and then a dry cloth.
3.4 Cleaning of Sink, waste bins, and working bench:
3.4.1 Clean the sink with soap solution using a nylon brush and finally clean with water.
3.4.2 Clean waste bin with water.
3.4.3 Remove the sticky material, if any, with a nylon scrubber.
3.4.4 Clean the working bench with wet clothes and finally with a dry cloth.
3.5 Light fixture and electric switches:
3.5.1 Switch off the main and related electrical connections.
3.5.2 Clean the outer surface of switches and tube light cover with a dry duster only.
3.6 Removing stains:
3.6.1 Clean the stained portion by rubbing it with scotch brite.
3.6.2 Finally, clean the area with a dry cloth.
3.7 Drain point cleaning:
3.7.1 Open-drain cover and remove the S.S. cup from the drain pot.
3.7.2 Remove the waste material, collect it in a poly bag, and transfer it to the waste bin.
3.7.3 Clean the S.S. cup with process water and flush the drain with a sufficient quantity of process water.
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
QC: Quality control
SS: Stainless steel
PPE: Personal protective equipment

Panks Pamyal is a Author and Editor at Pharmaguddu.com. He Worked in Top Pharmaceuticals MNCs in India had a more then 10 years experience in Quality control department. He Delivering most valuable insights and knowledge through this website.