SOP on the Removal of Broken Down equipment

1.0 Purpose: To lay down the procedure for removal of broken down equipment and taking the repaired equipment back into the facility.
2.0 Aim: This Standard Operating Procedure is applicable for the removal of broken down equipment and taking the repaired equipment back to the Production facility.

3.0 Responsibility:
3.1 Line coordinators shall carry out the process.
3.2 Sr. officer/officer shall check & control the activity.
3.3 Manager Production/Designee shall be responsible for the implementation of SOP.
3.4 Maintenance officer/Executive shall be responsible for the repair process of the equipment.
3.5 Head of Quality Assurance/Designee shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with the SOP.

4.0 Safety Considerations:
4.1 Wear safety equipment (goggles and Gloves) While handling the damaged/broken part of the machine.

5.0 The Equipment:
5.1 Hand Blower

6.0 Materials and reagents:
6.1 70% IPA (Preparation of 70% IPA)

7.0 Procedure:

7.1 Removal of broken-down equipment:
7.1.1 First try to rectify the problem with the machine/equipment at the place/site.
7.1.2 If not, then open the damaged/broken part of the machine/equipment with tools.
7.1.3 Afterwards, clean the tools with a lint-free duster (by using 70% IPA ).
7.1.4 Keep the tools in their actual place.
7.1.5 Put the damaged/broken part of the machine/equipment into HDPE crate and transfer it to the engineering store through the material outgoing connecting corridor.

7.2 Taking the repaired equipment back into the facility:
7.2.1 Receive the repaired part of the machine/equipment through the material incoming connecting corridor.
7.2.2 Before receiving, clean the repaired part of the machine/equipment.
7.2.3 Clean the broken part with a lint-free duster (by using 70% IPA).
7.2.4 Repaired part of the machine/equipment/motors should be in a polybag or crate.
7.3 If there is any change/damage in the facility during the removal of machine/ Equipment for repair, then after removal/ installation of equipment, revalidation of the area shall be done as per requirement, whenever necessary.

8.0 Abbreviations:
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
QA: Quality Assurance
PR: Production
No. : Number
Sr.: Senior
HDPE: High-Density Polyethene

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