1.0 Purpose: 1.0 To lay down the Standard Operating Procedure for using the Door Interlock System.
2.0 Scope: 2.1 This SOP applies to all Personnel, including Visitors Entering or Leaving the Man / Material Entries that have Door Interlock System.

3.0 Responsibility: 3.1 All Personnel entering or Leaving the Man /Material Entries having Interlocking Systems are responsible for adhering to the procedure.
3.2 Head P&A and Quality Assurance are responsible for ensuring Overall Compliance with this SOP.
4.0 Instructions
4.1 Do not attempt to open the Interlocked Door system with Force.
4.2 Do not “Pull” or “Push” the door without releasing the “Electromagnetic Lock.”
4.3 Do not touch the Electromagnet of the door.
5.0 Procedure
5.1 This SOP applies to the Man and Material Entries as specified in Annexure-1,” List of Doors / Entries having Interlocking System.”
5.2 After reaching the Entries having Door Interlock System, press Green Button “Push” to release the door.
5.3 When the indicator indicates Green Light, an “Electromagnetic Lock” is released.
5.4 Push the door to open.
5.5 Enter or exit the door after pressing the “Push” button within 5 seconds.
5.6 If the time exceeds 5 seconds, the circuit will go into “Locked” mode with Blinking Red Light.
5.7 Having entered or taken an exit, ensure that the door behind is appropriately locked.
5.8 Check that panel is showing red light for “Locked” mode.
5.9 In case of emergency, press the “Emergency Button” to release all the respective Interlocks of the door.
5.10 Report the incident to the Head of Quality Assurance with the reason for the use of Emergency release.
Related: Entry and exit procedure in Pharmaceuticals
6.0 Abbreviation
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
P&A: Personnel & Administration
QA Quality Assurance
Annexure-1 List of doors Interlocking system:
- Entry / Door Lobby Change Room
- Change Room
- Change Room to Buffer Change Room to Corridor Adjacent to Change Room (Inside the Production) Lobby.
- Change Room to Buffer Change Room, Buffer Change Room to Corridor Adjacent to Change Room (Inside the Production)
- Lobby Change Room to Change Room
- Buffer Change Room to Corridor Adjacent to Change Room (Inside the Production)
- Corridor Adjacent to Change Room to Man Entry a Tablet section
- Man Entry Tablet section A to Man Entry Tablet another section
- Man Entry section Tablet to Passage Tablet Manufacturing
- Material Entry Tablet to Dispensed RM Store Tablet
- Receiving Area RM to Buffer Room RM
- Buffer Room RM to RM Store
- Receiving Area PM to Buffer Room PM
- Buffer Room PM to PM Store
- Entry / Door Dispensing to Post Dispensing
- Post Dispensing to Corridor Adjacent to another area
- RM Store to Man Entry Dispensing
- Man Entry Dispensing to Pre Dispensing
- RM Store to Material Entry Dispensing
- Material Entry Dispensing to Pre Dispensing
- Post Dispensing 2 to Corridor Adjacent to another area
- RM Store-to-Man Entry Sampling
- RM Store to Material Entry Sampling
- Man Entry Sampling to Pre Sampling
- Material Entry Sampling to Pre Sampling
- Pre-Sampling to Sampling Room
- Passage Microbiology Section to Change Room
- MLT Room to Change Room
- MLT Room to Microbiology Testing Room
- Buffer Change Room to Corridor Adjacent to Change Room ( Inside the Production )
- Corridor (Tablet Manufacturing) to Air Lock (Granulation)
- Air Lock (Granulation) to Granulation
- Corridor (Tablet Manufacturing) to Air Lock (Granulation)
- Pass Box Air Lock Compression to Compression
- Corridor (Tablet Manufacturing) to Air Lock (Compression)
- Material Ent Airlock Compression to Compression
- Man Entry Airlock (Compression) to Compression
- Pass Box Air Lock (Compression) to Compression

Naresh Bhakar is the Founder and Author at Pharmaguddu.com, bringing his extensive expertise in the field of pharmaceuticals to readers worldwide. He has experience in Pharma manufacturing and has worked with top Pharmaceuticals. He has rich knowledge and provides valuable insights and data through his articles and content on Pharmaguddu.com. For further inquiries or collaborations, please don’t hesitate to reach out via email at [email protected].