1.0 Objective: To lay down the procedure for Cleaning and Operation of the basket filter assembly.
2.0 Scope: This procedure is applicable for the Cleaning and Operation of the basket filter assembly in Liquid orals.
3.0 Responsibility
Operator, – Production Department
Officer, Executive- Production and QA Department
Manager – Production and QA Department

4.0 Procedure
4.1 Cleaning
4.1.1 Remove the “ TO BE CLEANED “ label and affix the “ UNDER CLEANING “ label to
the machine as per SOP “Making an entry in equipment logbook“.
4.1.2 Ensure that no sugar syrup from the previous batch remains in the equipment.
4.1.3 Remove a basket containing 100 mesh sieves and transfer it to the wash area.
4.1.4 Clean the basket assembly tank with purified water and rub it with lint
free cloth till it is visually clean and drains water from the bottom valve.
4.1.5 Clean basket containing 100 mesh sieves with purified water.
4.1.6 Allow drying of the sieve.
4.1.7 Assemble the sieve to basket assembly.
4.1.8 Mop the equipment with a dry lint-free cloth from outside.
4.1.9 Put ‘CLEANED’ status label having Unit, Department, Equipment name, Cleaned by, Checked by Production Officer, Date, and finally certified by Quality Assurance (QA).
4.2 Set up and operation
4.2.1 Ensure that the basket filter assembly is cleaned.
4.2.2 After line clearance from IPQA put the “WORK IN PROGRESS” label on the machine
4.2.3 Attach the transfer line to the basket assembly, sugar dissolving tank, and required tank.
4.2.4 Remove the lid of the tank and place it on a clean SS table.
4.2.5 Fix the SS perforated basket with 100 mesh sieves on the vessel.
4.2.6 Check the basket containing the 100-mesh sieve for integrity before starting the process.
4.2.7 Open the outlet valve of the sugar dissolving tank and the inlet valve of the basket assembly.
4.2.8 Start sugar syrup to allow from the sugar dissolving tank in basket assembly and allow the syrup to filter.
4.2.9 Open the outlet valve of the basket assembly and allow the filtered syrup into the respective tank.
4.2.10 After completion of the process remove the sieve from a vessel, check its integrity, and record it in BMR.
4.2.11 Refit the lid with SS screw bolts.
4.2.12 Affix the “TO BE CLEANED” label on the equipment.
4.2.13 Record the details of the operation of basket assembly in the equipment usage log sheet
as per SOP “Making an entry in equipment Logbook”.
5.0 Abbreviations
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure.
No. : Number
NA: Not applicable

Naresh Bhakar is the Founder and Author at Pharmaguddu.com, bringing his extensive expertise in the field of pharmaceuticals to readers worldwide. He has experience in Pharma manufacturing and has worked with top Pharmaceuticals. He has rich knowledge and provides valuable insights and data through his articles and content on Pharmaguddu.com. For further inquiries or collaborations, please don’t hesitate to reach out via email at [email protected].