SOP for Handling Chemicals used for Purified Water Plant

Standard operating procedure for Handling Chemicals used in Purified Water plants in pharmaceutical industries.

SOP for Handling Chemicals used for Purified Water Plant

1.0 Objective: This SOP outlines the steps for effectively managing chemicals used in pharmaceuticals for purified water plants.
2.0 Scope: This standard procedure applies to the handling of chemicals within the purified water plants at Pharmaceuticals.
3.0 Responsibilities: Engineering, Purchase, Warehouse, QC Departments
Accountability: Quality Assurance Manager

4.0 Procedure:

4.1 The Purchase Department will initiate a Purchase Order (PO) to acquire the required chemicals.
Upon arrival, the Warehouse Department will receive the chemicals.
4.2 The Warehouse Department will create a Goods Receiving Note (GRN) and attach a quarantine label to the chemicals.
4.3 The QC Department will be notified by the Warehouse Department for the purpose of sampling.
4.4 The QC Department will conduct identification and assay tests on the received chemicals.
4.5 If the chemicals pass the tests, the QC Department will attach an approved label to the container.
4.6 Chemicals failing the tests will be rejected.
4.7 The Engineering Department will receive the chemicals and maintain proper records.
4.8 Below is a list of chemicals managed by the Engineering Department:

  • Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCI)
  • Sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
  • Sodium hexametaphosphate
  • Sodium chloride (NaCI)
  • Sodium metabisulfite

Related: SOP for Sanitization of the Storage tank and Distribution Loopline

5.0 Abbreviations:
QC: Quality Control
GRN: Goods Receiving Note
PO: Purchase Order

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