Standard operating procedure for Operation and Calibration of Flame Photometer
1.0 Objective: To lay down the procedure for the operation and calibration of the Flame photometer.
2.0 Scope: This procedure applies to Flame Photometer instrument installed in the Quality Control Department in Pharmaceutical.
3.0 Responsibility: Officer/ Execution responsible for the implementation of this procedure.
QC Asst. Manager/ Manager and above responsible for overall compliance with this SOP.

4.0 Operation:
4.1 First, make sure all the tubes—air, gas, and drain—are properly connected.
4.2 Then, turn on the compressor.
4.3 Check that the pressure is stable around 0.5 kg/cm2 without any ups and downs on the gauge.
4.4 Next, dip the plastic tube of the Atomizer into distilled water.
4.5 You should see regular droplets falling into the drain cup.
4.6 After that, partially open the ‘FUEL GAS FINE ADJ’ Valve, following the instructions given.
4.7 Start by fully closing it, then turn it halfway in the direction of the arrowhead.
4.8 Turn on the fuel supply from the source, like the LPG cylinder, and immediately light the flame through the ignition window.
4.9 Look at the flame through the ‘FLAME VIEW’ window. Adjust the fuel flow using the GAS control valve until you have a steady flame with clear cones.
4.10 Choose either Low or high-concentration mode based on what you need.
4.11 Then, select the elements you want to work with, like Na, K, Ca, or Li.
4.12 Once you’ve set all the method-required parameters, calibrate the instrument and measure the sample solution.
Related SOP: SOP for HPLC Column Cleaning and their Maintenance
Sample Measurement:
- To check the sample, dip the tiny tube in it, and suck it up. Then, hit the enter key.
- Next, dip the tube in clean water and suck that up too. Hit enter again.
- Now, you’ll see the results pop up, showing the element name, set number, setup name, batch number, and sample number. Look for a print symbol in the top right and an enter sign at the bottom right. If you’re ready for the next sample, just do the same steps.
- Once you’re done checking everything, print it out and hit the end key a few times to get back to the main menu.
5.0 Calibration of Flame Photometer:
5.1 First, clean the sprayer by connecting it to the air machine and turning it on.
5.2 Set the pressure to 0.3 to 0.5 Kg/cm2 and let air flow for 3-5 minutes.
5.3 Then, dip the thin tube in pure water and again let air flow for 3-5 minutes.
5.4 Next, dip the tube in water and press the enter button.
5.5 Wait for a beep sound.
5.6 Now, dip the tube in the standard solution and follow the instructions on the screen to suck in the standards one by one.
5.7 Once the calibration is done, you’ll see a message, ‘Calibration is over, Start sample analysis.’ 5.8 Now, the machine is all set for analyzing samples.
Frequency: Every month or after maintenance.
6.0 Precautions:
6.1 Before putting in the next sample, make sure to pour some clean water into the machine for about 5 seconds. This helps make sure the last sample doesn’t mess with the new one.
6.2 When you’re turning off the machine, always close the gas first. It keeps everything safe and sound.
6.3 Remember to switch the fuel supply on and off using the fuel regulator switch. Don’t mess with the ‘FUEL GAS FINE ADJ’ valve for this.
6.4 Never empty out the air filter of the machine when the flame is on. Safety first!
6.5 Always make sure the gas supply is turned off when the flame isn’t burning. Safety again!
6.6 Try not to change the settings of the output regulator unless you really need to.
6.7 Check the pressure of the machine’s output every day, and don’t forget to inspect all the tubes now and then to make sure there are no leaks. You can use soapy water to check for leaks at any point.
7.0 Abbreviations(s):
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
QC: Quality Control
Related SOP: SOP on Receipt and Handling of Laboratory Samples

Naresh Bhakar is the Founder and Author at, bringing his extensive expertise in the field of pharmaceuticals to readers worldwide. He has experience in Pharma manufacturing and has worked with top Pharmaceuticals. He has rich knowledge and provides valuable insights and data through his articles and content on For further inquiries or collaborations, please don’t hesitate to reach out via email at [email protected].