1.0 Objective: To lay down a procedure for cleaning and operation of inspection unit for empty and filled bottles.
2.0 Scope: This Standard operating procedure is applicable for cleaning and operation of the inspection unit for empty and filled bottles in the Liquid department.
3.0 Responsibility
Operator, officer – Production department
Manager-QA, Production department

4.0 Procedure
4.1 Cleaning
4.1.1 Cleaning of the inspection unit: Carry out the following procedure at the time of batch or product changeover. Remove the “ TO BE CLEANED “ label and affix the “ UNDER CLEANING “ label to the machine. Start the conveyor belt of the inspection table. Remove glass pieces if any from the conveyor’s joints. Clean the conveyor belt of the inspection table with a wet lint-free cloth followed by a dry lint-free cloth. Clean the Inspection table, inside and outside of canopy and black & white background with a wet lint-free cloth followed by a dry lint-free cloth. Clean the tube lights with a dry lint-free cloth. Record the details of cleaning in the equipment usage record sheet. Put ‘CLEANED’ status label having Unit, Department, Equipment name, Cleaned by, Checked by Production Officer, Date, and finally certified by Quality Assurance as per “Labeling” SOP.
4.2 Operation
4.2.1 Take line clearance from QA, then put the ‘UNDER PROCESS’ label on the inspection unit.
4.2.2 Adjust the bottle guide fitted in the conveyor belt of the inspection unit according to the product requirement.
4.2.3 Switch the motor “ON” by pressing the main switch and ensuring its smooth running.
4.2.4 Check the indicator light on the attached VFD.
4.2.5 Switch ‘ON’ the tube light of the inspection unit.
4.2.6 Switch ‘ON’ the attached VFD by pressing the green color button of the VFD.
4.2.7 Select the program on VFD for the forward movement of the conveyor belt of the inspection unit.
4.2.8 Adjust the required speed of the conveyor belt motor with the knob provided on VFD.
4.2.9 Check that the inspection unit conveyor belt is running smoothly.
4.2.10 After the completion of operation switch off the motor by pressing the Stop (Red color) button on VFD.
4.2.11 Allow the empty / filled bottle for inspection.
4.2.12 After completion of the operation, Switch ‘OFF’ the inspection unit.
4.2.13 Affix the new label duly filled with the status of ‘TO BE CLEANED’ on the inspection unit.
4.2.14 Record the details of the operation of the inspection unit in the equipment usage record sheet as per reference SOP.
Related SOPs: SOP on Cleaning Utensils, SS Accessories
5.0 Abbreviations
SOP: Standard operating procedure
No. : Number
NA: Not applicable
VFD: Variable frequency drive
QA: Quality assurance

Naresh Bhakar is the Founder and Author at Pharmaguddu.com, bringing his extensive expertise in the field of pharmaceuticals to readers worldwide. He has experience in Pharma manufacturing and has worked with top Pharmaceuticals. He has rich knowledge and provides valuable insights and data through his articles and content on Pharmaguddu.com. For further inquiries or collaborations, please don’t hesitate to reach out via email at [email protected].