SOP on Operation and Procedure of Pharmacode Reader

1.0 Objective: The purpose of this SOP is to lay down the procedure for the operation of the Pharmacode Reader.

2.0 Scope: This SOP is applicable for the operation of a pharmacode reader in the production area.

3.0 Responsibility: 3.1 The production officer/ sr.officer is responsible for the implementation of this sop.

3.2 The Head of the department is responsible for implementing this procedure

3.3 The Head of QA/ Designee is responsible for compliance with this procedure.

4.0 Procedure: 4.1 Ensure the power supply is on.

4.2 Connect and switch on the camera.

4.3 On the main screen enter the passwords and user id and start the inspection.

4.4 If the image of the leaflet and carton is saved before then click on the “start inspection” to start the operation.

4.5 If the product image is not set, then click on on “GO” option and select the image of the pharmacode of the carton from right to left and left to right, and of a leaflet from top to bottom and from bottom to top and save the image.

4.6 Click on the “decode” camera will start inspection to click left to right and right to left pharmacode value for carton and from top to bottom and bottom to top pharmacode value for a leaflet.

4.7 Mach the Pharmacode value along with the Batch packing record (BPR).

4.8 Carton will accept the right pharmacode and reject the carton and leaflet with the wrong pharmacode.

Related SOP: SOP for Camera vision system and pinhole detector

5.0 Abbreviations:

SOP: Standard Operating Procedure

BPR: Batch Packing Record

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