Learn About Standard Operating Procedures for Storage and labeling of Raw and Packing materials including their, Purpose, Scope, Responsibility, Procedure, Precautions, and Records.
1.0 Purpose: 1.1 The purpose of this SOP is to implement system storage and labeling of Raw and Packing materials in raw material stores.
2.0 Scope: 2.1 This SOP is applicable to all raw materials; packaging material is used for manufacturing at the Pharmaceutical plant.
3.0 Responsibility:
3.1 HOD Quality Assurance is responsible for the implementation of this procedure.

4.0 Procedure:
4.1 Raw material and packing material will be purchased only from the approved supplier.
4.2 The approved Raw material and packing material will be placed in the respective places in the raw material stores. The packing material for Primary packing will be kept in double wraps to prevent contamination.
4.3 The approved material will be kept on the respective shelves as per the size and type of material without inter-mixing two batches of the same material.
5.0 Division of area or identification storage and labeling of raw and packing materials:
Green– For approved materials, Yellow– for Under test materials, and Red– for Rejected materials.
5.1 The identification area with colored plate will be displayed with material with the following details:
5.1.1 Item/Material:
5.1.2 Date of Receipt:
5.1.3 Supplier:
5.1.4 Lot Number:
5.1.5 Quantity:
5.1.6 Acceptance A.R. Number:
5.1.7 Signature:
5.2 Inter-mixing of different lots and materials is prevented by keeping them in separate bundles.
5.3 The materials returned from production are assembled in the same bundle as the original material issued. If the same lot number does not exist, it is kept with a separate identification plate.
6.0 Precautions:
6.1 All documents in use must be duly approved and controlled before being issued to the user department.
6.2 Obsolete documents should be promptly removed from the point of use.
7.0 Records:
7.1 Issuance record
8.0 Distribution:
8.1 Master Copy file
8.2 Controlled Copy File
8.3 Head of the respective departments.
Related: SOP on status labeling
9.0 Reference:
9.1 Requirement of ISO 13485:2016, MDD 93/42/EEC, IMDR 2017.

Naresh Bhakar is the Founder and Author at Pharmaguddu.com, bringing his extensive expertise in the field of pharmaceuticals to readers worldwide. He has experience in Pharma manufacturing and has worked with top Pharmaceuticals. He has rich knowledge and provides valuable insights and data through his articles and content on Pharmaguddu.com. For further inquiries or collaborations, please don’t hesitate to reach out via email at [email protected].