SOP on Transfer of Finished Products to Finished Goods Stores

 To lay down a procedure for the transfer of finished products to finished goods stores.
 This procedure is applicable for the transfer of finished products to finished goods stores in the production department.
 Officer, Executive – Production Department Manager – Production Department In charge – Stores
4.1After completion of packing, reconcile the quantity packed with respect to the quantity received from the manufacturing and stores.
4.2Prepare finished goods transfer note in triplicate as per Annexure-II.
4.3Label the last shipper of a batch as a ‘LOOSE BOX’ (if the quantity of packs is less than the quantity mentioned on the shipper label). Strike out the quantity preprinted on the shipper label and write the actual quantity and production officer and QA officer to sign on the label.
4.4Intimate QA to verify the packed goods to be transferred to finished goods stores.
4.5QA Officer must verify the quantity and shipper labeling of the finished drug product.
4.6After verification from QA, the finished drug product is to be transferred to finished goods stores.
4.7Stores Officer / In-charge must verify the quantity received on the transfer slip and transfer the same to finished goods stores.
4.8Store Officer/ In charge is to endorse the transfer slip and return the book to the packing department.
4.9Write the transfer slip no. in the respective BPR.
 Note: The above procedure is also applicable at the end of day activity as per annexure-I.
 BPR: Batch Packing Record  
 QA: Quality Assurance
 Annexure-I: Daily production Report.
 Annexure-II: Finished Goods Transfer Note.
Annexure-II: Finished Goods Transfer Note.
Annexure-II: Finished Goods Transfer Note.

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