SOP on the Operation of Vacuum Cleaner

1.0 Objective: To lay down a procedure for the operation of the Vacuum cleaner.

2.0 Scope: This procedure applies to the operation of vacuum cleaner in the production department.

SOP on the Operation of Vacuum Cleaner

3.0 Responsibility:

Operator, Officer, Executive – to implement this procedure
Manager – to overall compliance with this procedure

4.0 Procedure:

4.1 Ensure the cleanliness of the vacuum cleaner
4.2 Bring the vacuum cleaner to the site of work, where cleaning is necessary.
4.3 Fix the three-pin plug to the socket of the leading electric supply.
4.4 Switch “ON” the mains from the electrical panel.
4.5 Place the open mouth of the nozzle at the point from where dust is to be sucked.
4.6 Start the vacuum cleaner.
4.7 After the dust is removed, stop the vacuum cleaner.
4.8 Switch “OFF” the mains and disengage the three-pin plug from the socket of the leading electric supply.

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5.0 Abbreviations:
QA: Quality Assurance
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure

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