SOP on Operation of Metal Detector

1.0 Objective: To lay down a Procedure for the operation of Metal detector and vertical deduster.
2.0 Scope: This procedure is applicable to the operation of Metal detector and vertical deduster in the production area.
3.0 Responsibility: Officer to implement this procedure
Department Head responsible for overall compliance with this procedure

4.0 Procedure:
4.1 Machine setting
4.1.1 Ensure cleanliness of the area and equipment. Take line clearance from the QA person. Affix the ‘UNDER PROCESS’ label duly filled and signed on the equipment and record all the observations in the equipment usage log sheet as per the given “Making entries in equipment logbook” SOP.

4.1.2 Adjust the height of the vertical deduster such that its inlet chute positions slightly below the outlet chute of the compression machine by unlocking the locking knob and then lifting up / down the machine body and finally locking the locking knob.
4.1.3 Adjust the height of the metal detector by unlocking the locking knob.
4.1.4 Adjust the position of the metal detector coil by loosening the knob and then set the final position of the coil such that the metal detector’s inlet chute positions slightly below the outlet chute of tablet de-dusting, vertical deduster and finally tighten the knob.

4.2 Operation
4.2.1 Turn ‘ON’ the compressed air supply to vertical deduster.
4.2.2 Turn ‘ON’ the ON/OFF knob of the metal detector. A metal detector will turn ON.

4.2.3 Inter the password. Fill in the product detail such as product name, Batch no. and save it.
4.2.4 Deduster will start. Feed some tablets in the inlet chute of the de-duster. Set power and frequency such that tablets move upward without getting streaked.
4.2.5 Once every parameter is set. Operate the compression machine as per respective SOP.
4.2.6 On completion of the operation, disable the deduster and turn ‘OFF’ the ‘ON/OFF’ knob of the metal detector.
4.2.7 Affix the ‘TO BE CLEANED’ label duly filled and signed on the machine and record all the observations in the equipment usage log sheet as per the given SOP.

Related SOP: SOP on Friability Test Apparatus

QA: Quality Assurance
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
RHS: Right Hand Side
LHS: Left Hand Side

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