Weighing Balance Tolerance Limit Calculation with Example

The Weighing Balance Tolerance Limit of a pharmaceutical weighing machine refers to the maximum acceptable range of balance while material weighing that is considered acceptable for installed balance at the manufacturing area. Weighing Balance Tolerance limits are usually calculated by using a %age of the minimum and maximum capacity of the balance. For example, a … Read more

SOP on Operation, Calibration of Friability Test Apparatus

1.0 OBJECTIVE: To lay down a procedure for cleaning, operation, and calibration of friability test apparatus. 2.0 SCOPE: This procedure is applicable to the cleaning, operation, and calibration of the friability test apparatus used in pharmaceutical manufacturing. 3.0 RESPONSIBILITY: Officer, Executive – Production DepartmentManager – Production Department, QA Officer – In the process 5.0 PROCEDURE: 5.1 Cleaning5.1.1 Remove … Read more

Calibration of UV-visible spectrophotometer

calibration UV-visible spectrophotometer

UV-visible spectrophotometer are widely used in the pharmaceutical industry for analyzing and quantifying various drug substances. It is important to ensure that these instruments are calibrated accurately and regularly to obtain reliable and accurate results. In this guide, we will take you through the calibration procedure and parameters of a UV spectrophotometer. Calibration of UV-visible … Read more

Weighing Balance Calibration in Pharmaceutical

Calibration of weighing balance

By definition, Weighing balance calibration is a process of verifying the accuracy and precision of a weighing balance used in pharmaceutical manufacturing. It involves comparing the measurement of the balance to a known standard to ensure that it is providing accurate results. In the pharmaceutical industry, we perform monthly calibration on weighing balances to verify … Read more