SOP Operation and Cleaning BOD Incubator in Microbiology Department

SOP Operation and Cleaning BOD Incubator in Microbiology Department

Learn about Standard Operating Procedure Operation and Cleaning BOD Incubator in the Microbiology Department along with their Objective, Scope, Responsibility, procedure, Calibration, and Frequency. 1.0 Objective: To achieve reliable and consistent results, we must ensure that we operate, calibrate, maintain, and clean the BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) Incubator, especially focusing on temperature maintenance for total … Read more

SOP on cleaning And Operation of Static Pass Box

Static pass box

Learn About the Standard Operating procedure for Static Pass Box in Pharmaceuticals along with their Purpose, Scope, Responsibility, Operation, and Cleaning. 1.0 Purpose: To lay down the standard operating procedure for cleaning and Operating of static pass box. 2.0 Scope: This standard operating procedure is applicable for the cleaning and Operation of static pass boxes in the … Read more

SOP on Cleaning / Sanitization Microbiology Department

SOP on Cleaning / Sanitization Microbiology Department

Learn About the Standard Operating Procedure for Cleaning and Sanitization of the Microbiological Department along with their, Objective, Scope, Responsibilities, and How to clean and sanitize the Micro Department. 1.0 Objective: SOP On Cleaning Procedure Microbiology department, the department must be clean and sanitized according to the prescribed procedure. 2.0 Scope: This standard operating procedure applies to … Read more

SOP on Disposal of Microbial Media in Microbiology

Disposal of Microbial Media in Microbiology

Inside this standard operating procedure, you will learn about the Disposal of Microbial Media culture waste and the Maintenance of Slants / Butt and Culture. 1.0 Objective: To lay down the procedure for the Maintenance and disposal of Microbial media in the Microbiology Laboratory. 2.0 Scope: This Standard Operating procedure for the Maintenance and disposal of Microbial … Read more

Depyrogenation method and washing of Test tubes for BET

Depyrogenation method and washing of Test tubes for BET

Learn About Standard Operating procedure on the Depyrogenation method and washing of Test tubes for BET. 1.0 Object: 1.1 To lay down the procedure for the Depyrogenation method and washing of test tubes for BET. 2.0 Scop: 2.1 This SOP applies to carry out the procedure of the Depyrogenation method and washing of test tubes for BET in a microbiology laboratory … Read more

SOP on Operation of Laminar airflow in a Micro laboratory

SOP Laminar airflow

Learn About Standard operating procedure on Laminar airflow in a Micro laboratory including their, Aim, Scope, Responsibility, distribution, Procedure, and Annexures. 1.0 AIM: To lay down the procedure of Operation of Laminar airflow in the microbiology laboratory.2.0 SCOPE: This SOP applies to carry out the procedure Operation of Laminar airflow in the microbiology laboratory at a pharmaceutical plant. 3.0 RESPONSIBILITY:3.1 Executive … Read more