0.1 M Sodium Nitrite Preparation and Standardization

0.1 M Sodium Nitrite Preparation and Standardization

Preparation and Standardization of 0.1 M Sodium Nitrite (NaNO2) by using Sulphanilic acid in Pharmaceutical Analysis. Chemical Name: 0.1 M Sodium Nitrite (NaNO2) Reagents: 1.0 Sodium nitrite2.0 Sulphanilic acid3.0 Potassium bromide4.0 2M Hydrochloric Acid5.0 Starch iodide paper Preparation of 0.1 M Sodium Nitrite To make this solution, take 7.5 grams of sodium nitrite and dissolve … Read more

0.05 M EDTA Solution Preparation and Standardization

0.05 M EDTA Solution Preparation and Standardization

Preparation and Standardization of 0.05 M EDTA Solution by using disodium edetate and Eri Chrom Black T as an indicator in Pharmaceutical Labs. EDTA, which stands for Edathamil, or Ethylene diamine tetra acetic Acid, is a well-known substance used in managing and treating heavy metal toxicity. Preparation of 0.05 M EDTA Solution: To prepare a … Read more

Preparation and Standardization of 0.05 M Iodine Solution

Aim: To Prepare and standardize 0.05 M Iodine Solution by using As2O3 Name: 0.05 M Iodine solution Ingredients Required for Preparation and Standardization of 0.05 M Iodine Solution: How to Preparation and Standardization of 0.05 M Iodine Solution To Prepare this solution, you’ll need to follow these steps: How to Standardization of 0.05 M Iodine … Read more

Preparation and Standardization of 0.1 M Ceric Ammonium Sulphate

Final colour result of of 0.1 M Ceric Ammonium Sulphate

Aim: The aim is to find out the normality of the given 0.1 M Ceric ammonium Sulphate. Requirements: Equipment: A special tube with a tap, a cone-shaped flask, and a small tube.Reagents: Ceric ammonium sulphate, Sulphuric acid, Arsenic trioxide, Sodium hydroxide, and some more sulphuric acid. Principle: We test Ceric ammonium sulphate by mixing it … Read more

List of Drugs Schedule C, C1, G, H, H1, K, P, M, N and X with CAUTION and WARNING

Drugs Schedule C, C1, G, H, H1, K, P, M, N and X

There is a provision of guidelines for storage, sales, precriptions and classififcation of each drugs Under the differernt schedules of Drugs and Cosmetic rules 1945. Below is the List of Drugs under Schedule C, C1, G, H, H1, K, P, M, N and X with CAUTION and WARNING. Drugs SCHEDULE ‘C’ SCHEDULE ‘C(1)’ Drugs SCHEDULE … Read more

SOP for Monitoring and Recording Critical Environmental Parameters of Different classes

1.0 Purpose: To describe the procedure for monitoring and recording critical environmental parameters of different classes at the production facility. 2.0 Aim: This Standard Operating Procedure is applicable for monitoring and Recording Critical Environmental Parameters such as temperature, relative humidity, pressure differential, and non-viable particle count of a different class (class A, B, C, and … Read more

Pharmaceutical Aids | Classification, Role, Characteristics, Importance and Benifits

Pharmaceutical Aids Definition: The elements having little or no therapeutic value, but are basically used in the production or compounding of various pharmaceutical dosage forms are known as pharmaceutical aids. In this article, we will explore the definition, types, importance, benefits, challenges, safety considerations, and regulations. Role of Pharmaceutical Aids Pharmaceutical aids play a critical … Read more

Organoleptic Agents (Coloring, Flavoring and Sweetening agents)

Pharmaceutical Organoleptic agents

The term “organoleptic” refers to the ability to perceive and evaluate sensory properties through our sensory organs, such as taste, smell, texture, and color. In Pharmaceutical drug manufacturing, organoleptic agents are added to pharmaceutical formulations to enhance their sensory qualities to improve patient acceptability. In other words, Organoleptic agents in pharmaceutical aids are the components … Read more

SOP for Estimation of Mercury using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy

SOP for Estimation of Mercury using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy

Standard Operating Procedure for Estimating Mercury 1.0 Purpose: To lay down the procedure for the Estimation of Mercury using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. 2.0 Aim: This Standard Operating procedure is applicable to the Estimation of Mercury using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) in a Pharmaceutical Laboratory. Principle: The method used here, called flameless AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy), … Read more

FDA Form 483 | Warning Letters: How to Handle, Form, Example

FDA Form 483 | Warning Letters

Understand and Differentiate them FDA Form 483 and Warning Letters: FDA Form 483 is like a detailed report card that talks about what people saw when they visited the manufacturing site. These people work for the FDA, and they write down everything they notice in a special order based on how important it is. Each … Read more

SOP for Microbiological Testing of In-Process Packing Material (Bioburden Test)

Standard operating procedure for Microbiological Testing of In-Process Packing Material, SOP for Bioburden Test. I.0 Purpose: This SOP outlines the steps for conducting Microbiological Testing of In-Process Packing Material. 2.0 Scope: This SOP is applicable for the Microbiological Testing of In-Process Packing Material. 3.0 Responsibilities: All Quality Control personnel are responsible for adhering to and … Read more

SOP for Operating and Validating Anaerobic Systems

Standard Operating Procedure for Operating and Validating Anaerobic Systems in Pharmaceutical Microbiology Laboratory. 1.0 Purpose: This document outlines the step-by-step procedure for operating and Validating Anaerobic Systems. 2.0 Scope: This SOP pertains to the operation and validation of the Anaerobic System Mark III (Hi-Media) within the Microbiology Department. 3.0 Responsibilities: Microbiologist: Responsible for implementation of … Read more

Molybdenum Test to Check Different SS Grades (SS 316, SS 304 and SS 202)

Molybdenum Test to check SS grades

Testing Method for Checking MOC of SS Material (Molybdenum Test): Equipment used in the pharmaceutical industry is mainly crafted from special types of Stainless Steel. The primary reason for using this metal is that it works well with most manufacturing methods. The medicine must contain only the components specified in the approved formula. When we … Read more

SOP for Operation and Cleaning of Domino Thermal Inkjet Printer

SOP for Operation and Cleaning of Domino Thermal Inkjet Printer

1.0 Objective: The Purpose of this SOP is to lay down the procedure for the Operation and cleaning of the Domino Thermal Inkjet Printer. 2.0 Scope: This SOP is applicable for the Operation and Cleaning of the Domino Thermal Inkjet Printer at the manufacturing facility in Pharmaceuticals. 3.0 Responsibility:3.1 Operator Production shall be responsible for … Read more

SOP for Carton 2D Barcode Printing Machine

SOP on 2D Barcode Printing Machine

1.0 Objective: The purpose of this SOP is to lay down the procedure for the Carton 2D Barcode Printing Machine. 2.0 Scope: This SOP is applicable for the Operation of a Carton 2D Barcode Printing Machine in a Manufacturing facility in Pharmaceuticals. 3.0 Responsibility:3.1 Operator Production shall be responsible for the operation of the Carton … Read more

SOP for Operation and Cleaning of Automatic Cartoning Machine (CP-150)

Automatic Cartoning Machine

Automatic Cartoning Machine is used for Packing blisters/Strips inside the carton in secondary packing areas in Pharmaceuticals. 1.0 Purpose: The purpose of this standard operating procedure is to lay down the procedure for Operation and Cleaning of Automatic Cartoning Machine (CP-150). 2.0 Scope: This SOP is applicable to the Operation and Cleaning of an Automatic … Read more