0.1 N Perchloric Acid Preparation and Standardization

Preparation and Standardization of 0.1 N Perchloric acid (Non-Aquos by using glacial acetic acid and crystal violet solution as indicators in Pharmaceuticals.

Apparatus for 0.1 N Perchloric Acid Preparation and Standardization

Apparatus and Reagents Requirements:

Apparatus: Conical Flask, Volumetric Flask, Reflux condenser, Measuring cylinder, Burette, Pipette and Burette Stand.


  • Perchloric acid
  • Potassium hydrogen phthalate
  • Anhydrous glacial acetic acid
  • Crystal violet solution

Preparation of 0.1 N Perchloric acid

  • Mix 85 ml of perchloric acid with 500 ml of anhydrous glacial acetic acid and 25 ml of acetic anhydride.
  • Cool and make up the volume up to 1000 ml with glacial acetic acid.
  • Allow the solution to stand for 24 hours and determine the water content before use.
  • If the water content exceeds 0.05% add some more acetic anhydride.
  • It also acts as an oxidizing agent so it should be handled with care.
Reaction of Potassium hydrogen phthalate

Standardization of 0.1 N Perchloric acid

  • Standardization: Weigh accurately about 0.35 gm of potassium hydrogen phthalate previously dried at 120°C and dissolved in 50 ml of glacial acetic acid.
  • Add 0.1 ml of crystal violet solution and titrate with 0.1 N perchloric acid until the violet color changes to an emerald green color.
  • Each ml of 0.1 N perchloric acid is equivalent to 0.02042 gm of potassium hydrogen phthalate



0.1 x 15 (Burrete Reading)= N2 x 25 ml (solution Taken)

Calculating formula for 0.1 N Perchloric Acid

Result: The Normality of Perchloric Acid was found to be…?


Q. Why was acetic acid added in preparation for perchloric acid

Ans: because CH3COOH acts as an acid & as well as a base but when we take per choric acid it is a very strong acid so we use acetic acid.

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