SOP on Washing, sterilization of clean room Garments

1.0 Purpose: To lay down the procedure for Washing, sterilization of clean room Garments2.0 Aim: This Standard Operating Procedure is applicable to the Washing, sterilization of clean room Garments in pharmaceuticals.3.0 Responsibility: 3.1 The line operator in operation processes shall carry out the operation process of Washing, and sterilization of clean room Garments.3.2 officers/seniors/executives shall … Read more

SOP on Cleaning, Preparation of filling machine accessories for sterilization

1.0 Purpose: To lay down the procedure for cleaning and preparation of filling machine accessories for sterilization.2.0 Applicable: This Standard Operating Procedure is applicable for the cleaning and preparation of filling machine accessories for sterilization on the Production Floor.3.0 Responsibility:3.1 The operator shall carry out the cleaning and preparation process.3.2 officers/Executives shall supervise the process.3.3 … Read more

SOP on Cleaning and Preparation and Packing of Material for Sterilization

1.0 Purpose: To lay down the procedure for cleaning and preparation and packing of material for sterilization.2.0 Applicable: This Standard Operating Procedure is applicable to the cleaning, preparation, and of packing of material for sterilization on the production floor.3.0 Responsibility: 3.1 The operators who are trained in cleaning processes shall carry out the cleaning process … Read more

SOP on Aseptic Handling, Operation and Aseptic Connection

1.0 Purpose: The standard procedure; Aseptic Handling, Operation and Aseptic Connection apply to the aseptic technique which refers to the system of working while performing procedures that are to be carried out under sterile conditions. The aim is to prevent microbial contamination while media simulation, manufacturing products, blending procedures, and aseptic connection. 2.0 Applicable: This … Read more

Difference between HPLC and LCMS with Schematic diagram


The major difference between HPLC and LCMS is that HPLC uses Non-volatile and Volatile buffers whereas LCMS uses Only volatile buffers. Common Difference between HPLC and LCMS/HPLC-MS HPLC full form is High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. It is a technique that is used to separate and analyze compounds in a mixture using liquid chromatography. It is a … Read more

Equipment Capacity Calculation and Factor affecting in industries

Equipment Capacity Calculation

Equipment capacity means the minimum and max working capacity of any equipment that can be easy to operate with its predefined limit to get higher output. In pharmaceutical Equipment capacity calculation factor depends on the Bulk density of the excipients that are used in the granulation process. Factor affecting the equipment capacity Below are the … Read more

Site Acceptance Test (SAT)

SAT is an inspection at the user’s site after machine/instrument delivery. opposite to SAT, the Factory acceptance test is a Manufacturer site inspection by the user. site acceptance test in pharmaceuticals is done to verify the functioning, operation, and parameters along with manufacturere repersentative. Site Acceptance Protocol Site acceptance test protocol is prepared by the … Read more

Nonconformity During Audit and its types with Examples

Nonconformity finding in pharmaceuticals during Audit is a very crucial stage, where finding non-conformity becomes a hurdle for the organization. Nonconformity may be major or minor types it depends on what type of process is affecting at what level. What is Nonconformity As per ISO 19011 “Nonconformity” means non-fulfillment of a requirement, against ISO 9001 … Read more

3 Types of Airlocks and its Purpose and applications

The airlocks is a transition space that typically has two doors in series to separate controlled environments such as a cleanroom, lab, operating room, or isolation room from the corridor. What is an airlock? Airlocks are commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry to maintain cleanliness and prevent contamination of the manufacturing environment. In a pharmaceutical … Read more

Limit Test for Lead: Principle, Reagent, Procedure and Observation

Lead is a most undesirable impurity in pharma compounds and comes through the use of sulphuric acid, lead-lined apparatus, and glass bottles used for the storage of chemical materials so, we do a Limit Test for Lead to identify the acceptance level of lead in a sample. Limit test for lead Principle The limit test … Read more

SOP on Operation and Cleaning of Fluidized Bed Drier

1.0 Objective: To lay down a procedure for the Operation and cleaning of Fluidized Bed Drier.2.0 Scope: This SOP is applicable to the Operation and cleaning of a Fluidized Bed Drier in the production area.3.0 Responsibility: Operator, Officer, Executive- Production DepartmentManager- Production Department 4.0 Procedure for Operation and Cleaning of Fluidized Bed Drier:4.1 Machine setting: … Read more

Limit Test for Sulphate: Principle, Reaction, Procedure and Result

The Limit Test for Sulphate is designed to determine the allowable limit of Sulphate contained in a sample. Principle: The principle for the limit test of Sulphate is based on the reaction of soluble Sulphate with barium chloride in the presence of dilute hydrochloric acid to form barium Sulphate which appears as turbidity with a … Read more

Limit test in Pharmaceuticals / inorganic chemistry

In pharmaceutical analysis, a limit test is a type of analytical test used to determine impurity in a substance whether a substance is present in a sample at a concentration above or below a specified limit. Limit tests are often used to ensure that a substance meets certain quality standards or regulatory requirements. Definition The … Read more